Friday, January 9, 2009

Yes, I'm Working

No picture today.  Today is the second day of the conference, and all is going well.  I’m doing 3-4 talks per day, and they seem to be enthusiastically received; I’m constantly being grabbed in the hall by a mom or dad with questions.  It’s great to be able to help! Evidently most missionaries put their kids in boarding schools—especially for high school, so these folks are the mavericks, and really love being together and sharing ideas. 

Also in attendance, there are several Kenyan nationals who are truly the pioneers of home education in this country. They have the best questions, and are very, very sincere and attentive. Evidently the state of education in this country—even for those with the money to pay for better schools—is about the same as mediocre public schools in the U.S., or worse…

There are folks here from adjacent countries as well, and it’s been fascinating to hear their situations and stories. I don’t think I ever had a sense of how many missionaries there must be in Africa and the world.

I also spoke to the teen group, and they were a pretty somber bunch—I hope it was helpful…I’ll probably hear a few comments tomorrow.  I really wish they’d invite me to play Ultimate Frisbee with them, but it doesn’t look likely, so I’ll just hang with the adults and tell stories about my wonderful children.  (Sorry, kids.)


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